Special Events

Saturday 7th September Autumn Fayre,  11:00am - 2:00pm.

Many Stalls, including, Tombola, cakes, free hand aromatherapy, hand.  Hot and Cold refreshments

Wednesday 18th September Meditation Evening.

Meditation Evening with our President,  Starts @ 7:30pm Entrance £4

Platform Presentation Wednesday 25th September.

Platform Presentation with Gilly Plamer.  This workshop is for developing skills on speaking either on a platform

or developing your confidence.  Doors open 7:15pm for 7:30pm start.  Entrance £4



Please pay for workshops in advance

If using bank transfer please use Sort Code: 60-22-25  Account 68671415

PayPal accepted or BACS payment to the church,


Select item to pay


Other Events


Spiritual Jottings

Monday  Spiritual Jottings developing circle with Susan Edminson

Unlock your imagination, expand your awareness of the natural world, and let your feelings flow and embrace your heightened self, your humble self, your loving soul.

Release your inner visions and let your pen float across the page. Every picture tells a story and message for your interpretation!

Learn to work with Spirit links and open your heart, mind, and soul to create expressive sketches and jottings!

If you enjoy bringing a visual image onto the paper, then com and join us. Every sketch will have a message for the recipient.

Confidence and self esteem will increase in a light-hearted fun way, enriching your spiritual journey intuitively and let healing flow!

This workshop will run on alternative Wednesdays with a cost of £3 towards church funds.

Please bring a sketch books /A4 paper to work on and any preferential sketching and writing mediums: pencil/pens/pastels/watercolours etc, as we only have limit supply in church.


Open Circle

Open Circle with Tina Axtmann Monday 9th & 23rd September.  Doors open at 7:15pm with a 7:30pm start till 9:30pm.  Members £5 Non-Members £6.  This circle is held every 2 weeks.


Open Platform

Open Platform with Spencer Rose.  Wednesday 11th September.  Doors open at 7:30pm till 9:30pm.  To practice and develope your mediumship.  Cost is £3 to work on platform and to be part of a supportive audience £1.50. This helps our up and coming Mediums to develop.



Healing service every Tuesday from 7:15pm and doors close at 8:40pm to ensure everyone is seen by 9:00pm. With Alison Chapman and Her SNU trained healers.  This is a free service but freewill offerings appreciated.  This is a weekly service.  Do come and sit in the beautiful energy and meditate.


Other services

Fleet church offers the following services - weddings, marriage blessings, funerals, and naming ceremonies

For further details please contact the Secretary on 01252 625976

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